Reel Capacity Calculator

When placing an order, it's important to know how many reels you can expect. To know how much wire or cable will fit on a shipping reel, enter the diameter of your cable in inches below. Our Reel Capacity Calculator will show how many feet or meters of that cable will fit on our different reels.


For a cable that is {{vm.cableDiameter}} inch(es) in diameter the following table shows how many meters or feet of that cable will fit on a given reel.
Shipping Reel Length of Cable (ft.) Length of Cable (m) Shipping Reel Weight (lbs.)* Shipping Reel Weight (kg)*
* the weight is ONLY for the shipping reel - does not include wire/cable

Wire Reel Specifications

Still have questions about reel size? Contact us for more information our our reels and how we ship.