8 items
Belden Unjacketed Banana Peel Video Cable Specifications
Banana Peel Cable Ratings and Approvals:
- Mini Coax Cable
- Type CMR Cable (Riser-Rated):
- NEC Type CMR Cable
- CEC Type CMG Cable or Type CMG FT4
- Type CMP Cable (Plenum-Rated):
- NEC Type CMP Cable
- CEC Type CMP Cable
Banana Peel Cable Construction:
- Type CMR Cable:
- Conductor: 25 AWG Solid Tinned Copper
- Insulation: Gas-Injected Foam High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
- Jacket: PVC Jackets, no Overall Jacket
- Center Spline
- Shielding: Duobond (100% Coverage) and Tinned Copper Interlocked Serve Shield (95% Coverage)
- Type CMP Cable:
- Conductor: 25 AWG Solid Tinned Copper
- Insulation: Foam Perfluoroalkoxy (FPFA)
- Jacket: Flamarrest Jackets, no Overall Jacket
- Center Spline
- Shielding: Duobond (100% Coverage) and Tinned Copper Interlocked Serve Shield (95% Coverage)